Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Video Game Design - Fun and Profit

Have you ever thought about a career in video game development? Video games were just announced as one of Jim Cramer’s 5 life-changing investments.

Would you be surprised if video games are some of the top big-ticket items selling this holiday shopping season? Probably not I would guess. Video games have been on top of shopping lists for years, and they just keep getting bigger and better.

Have you watched or played a game on HDTV recently? The graphics come in stunning detail, and the game plots are as complex as ever! And Video Games are not just for kids anymore, adults are banging along with the kids to be kings of video game land!

Video Games for adults are now a powerful retail trend. Electronic arts, Activision, and a few other video game producers have all been doing really well in the video game market. These companies may be really good financial investments for adults, but I see them also as providing GREAT opportunity for anyone looking for a career in the video game industry!

The demand for new video games will continue to generate opportunities for video game designers and video game development. For an industry that continues to grow, these career fields will need new developers, designers, and programmers. For anyone who has an interest and aptitude for video game programming, this could be a great career choice.

Young people today have vision and experience from working with the video games of the past. They are familiar with video game design that works best for users, and they probably could offer many design improvements. Not only can you do something you love to do (play video games) but you could also shape your career around video game design.

Usually when companies show stable and continuing growth like video game producers and designers are doing, it's a sure sign that the industry is strong. For video gamers, I can't think of many careers that would be quite as enjoyable as participating, and getting paid, for new video game development.

Why not check it out?

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